Exclusive Interview with John Hoover | The Buddy Ruski Show

John Hoover is one of my oldest friends. He and I engaged in many shenanigans growing up together in the Watts-Hillandale neighborhood and went to all the same Durham Public Schools.

Quarantine has been tough for both of us. Socialites like John and I are struggling to replace the regular amount of face-to-face interaction we need in our regular lives. Although I am lucky enough to see him in town (John is part of the North Street community), we haven't had the chance to catch up like this in a long time.

There was too much to cover in one sitting so I can guarantee this won't be the last you hear from John Hoover on the Buddy Ruski Show. But for this first conversation, we took a leisurely stroll down memory lane to recount the best memories from our childhood including lounging in his family's hot tub, playing basketball, having large Halo LAN parties. Oh, and perhaps a bit of grand theft auto. No, I don't mean the video game.

Now are you interested?

If you want to learn more about the North Street community, check out this beautiful mini-doc by fellow Durhamite and Riverside graduate Brad Hinkle.

If you live in Durham and haven't already had the pleasure of meeting John at some of his favorite hangouts like the YMCA or Parts & Labor, encounters with him are inevitable. Put it on your list of to-dos once quarantine is lifted.

I hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!
