What Does Buddy Ruski Mean?

Buddy Ruski is a brand about adventure, exploration, joy, curiosity, self-improvement, and a lifelong quest for knowledge.

The Buddy Ruski nom de plume that became the brand name comes from my father, Michael Laidlaw, who created the nickname for me when I was a child. Every holiday card I received had the same signature: “To Buddy Ruski… Love, your Ruski Buddy.” Buddy Ruski had a counterpart. A yang to its yin. A master to its apprentice.

Today is his birthday! (I’ll let him tell you how old he is). If you’ve never had the pleasure of meeting my Dad, you can blame him for all my quirks and my humanity. His innate ability to connect with others and treat them with kindness and sincerity is something I’ve always admired and tried valiantly to replicate in my own life. We even sound the same! You could call it “The Ruski Buddy Show” and no one would be able to tell the difference.

All the values I want this brand to stand for are ones my Dad taught me. Way back in 2012, when I first started writing, I was looking for a pen name. All the greats had one and so would I. The choice was a no-brainer. Buddy Ruski was like a family heirloom, a gift that I would use to bring my imagination and fervor for storytelling to life. After years of exploring the world of multimedia in various sectors of the Internet and beyond, it was time to return my work to its rightful home under the family banner. In 2020, I filed to incorporate Buddy Ruski, LLC, and begin that next great adventure. With the guidance and exceptional craftsmanship of Jason Clary, Buddy Ruski has a refreshed, vibrant new look fitting of the gift that the name has become.

Daddy, this brand wouldn’t be possible without all you have given me over the years and the lessons you’ve taught me. I love you! I am so grateful to have you as a father and never take for granted the life we’ve shared together.

“Holdin’ onto what’s golden.”